Saturday, May 28, 2016


Today I sat in Daniel's room and sorted and looked through all of our photos from his Make-A-Wish trip.  Tears silently wet my face as I looked at 100's of sweet photos. I think we have about 700 to be exact.  And I am thankful for

As I was looking through them, this photo caught my eye:

 It caught my eye because of how Daniel was looking at me.  Whenever I would watch Daniel's "Lava" video or "Make-A-Wish" video with him, he would exclaim "MAMA!"  every time it got to this photo:
He would literally yell "MAMA!!" and point at the screen with his awesome, huge grin.  And I would say, "Yes!  Mama was there with you."

Here is the photo again that I saw today:

And then the next one:

Now I know Daniel was trying to tell me something exciting or some memory he had from meeting these characters, as there was not one time I watched those picture videos that he did not yell out "Mama!!" when it came to that photo.   And after seeing the other photo today, I sure wish I knew what he wanted to tell me.  Before going on his Make-A-Wish trip he had asked Brent and I to take him back to kiss Minnie Mouse.  Maybe he was just trying to tell me he was so excited she was holding him!!  And he might have been saying something like "Mama!!  Do you see?  Minnie is holding me!! I haven't just kissed her once, but like 10 times!  This is so cool."  Maybe one day he will tell me.

You see the photo at 4:17 in this video, and I can hear him saying "mama!!" very emphatic and excited each time.

Although this is from an older video (February 2015)...this is the "mama" I miss hearing so much.

I realize this memory might not mean as much to the outsider looking in.  But I just do not want to forget.  I feel like seeing his face today in that other photo made some dots connect for me.  I always wondered why he would say my name.  Now I know there was a reason to wonder.  I miss you buddy.

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