I sure will miss taking these race day family photos...
This year it was just the girls and I. From Daniel being so sick and in the hospital for so long, Brent used up all of his vacation days and so he was unable to join us. Originally I was going to travel to Colorado alone, but about 10 days before I would be leaving Lizzy came to me and said, "Mom, I really want to go and run for Daniel. Can I please come along with you?" And I had replied, "I am sorry honey but we just cannot afford it this year." She said, "Please just check. Maybe you can. Show me!" She's persistent! And I am glad that she was, because as it turned out Southwest had tickets for $70 roundtrip and we had points...so I ended up paying just $5.60 for each of the girls!! That I could afford! ;-) And it was really wonderful to have them there with me. One of my best friends was in Colorado at the time and so we were able to stay with her and her family. I was so thankful to have her there too.
The day before the race we spent the morning watching all of our old race videos. We cried. And cried. Lizzy had said through tears, "I am really going to miss crossing the finish line as a family. I wish Daniel would still be here. This is going to be hard to do without him." And it was hard, but I think spending this time looking back and sharing and crying actually helped us on race day. The most emotional moment of the day was writing on our "In Memory of"...
Another emotional moment for me was when I saw the event posters for this year. They had this sweet photo of Daniel and Dr. Ivy from our first ever PH race we attended...
Drew was in the top photo too!
The morning of the race my outfit was inspired by Daniel. For the last year of his life, "weights" was one of the first words he said each day. He sometimes even said it in his sleep. On this particular day he came to get me for "weights" with my shoes and headband on and a water for each of us. Lol. I love you Daniel. And I miss being asked to do "weights" all. day. long!
Lizzy and I ran the race. Abby walked with my mom, my aunt Kathy, Beth, Rhonda and some of my cousins. Thank you to all of you who came out! I cannot believe we didn't get a photo. Next year!! Lizzy actually won the race for her the 12 & under age division! Way to go Lizzy! You really did want to run for Daniel!! I know he would be so proud and happy!
And we just love these wonderful people who helped take such great care of Daniel. Thank you Dr. Ivy, Beth and Michelle!! We are forever grateful.
I miss you Daniel. I would give anything to kiss you like this again and hear that amazing laugh. We are so proud of you. You finished your race. You crossed the finish line. And you ran so well. Now the rest of us have to finish ours. And I think our reunion one day will be just glorious. I love you Little Buddy.
Our Team Daniel shirts remind us to run our race. Not only for you, but for Jesus.
"RUN with perseverance, the RACE, keeping your eyes on JESUS."
"Therefore since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand throne of God. For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart." Hebrews 12:1-3