Friday, January 6, 2017

Your Birthday

January 6, 2010.

Just after midnight I became restless.  I wondered if you were finally coming. For a few weeks we had thought you might be coming as I had "real" feeling contractions daily leading up to your actual birth.  By 5am I knew it was real.  I called my friend Ruthie and asked her to come.  I then called Dr. Ehmer and told him what was happening and that I would head to Baylor as soon as my friend arrived.  I will never forget his reply, "Jaci, you go wake up those other 4 kiddos, put them in your van and tell your friend to meet you at the hospital."

He knew.

And so we all piled in the van and at the big kids request blasted "Freedom" by Nicole C. Mullen as we sped down the tollway to the hospital.  It still makes me laugh to think of how the bass and beat of that song was vibrating the van as we drove.  It was by far the most lively drive to delivery I experienced!

Within an hour of being at the hospital, you were born.

And we were in love.


A name that was put on my heart before I ever knew I would have you.


A precious boy who was adored and cherished in this life.


My son.  Oh how I look forward to the day we will all be together again.

We had 6 awesome years  and 7 awesome birthdays as I am counting the day you were born...

Your "Birth"day

Your 1st Birthday!

Your 2nd Birthday!

Your 3rd Birthday in Disney World!

 Your 4th Birthday!

Your 5th Birthday!

Your 6th Birthday!

(Everybody wore jeans for you!)

There are a couple hundred more photos I could share from 6 years of birthdays.  I am thankful we have such wonderful memories of celebrating you!  I sure miss you Daniel.

Happy 7th Birthday.

Always missing and loving you.

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