We laughed as we talked about it. And then the girls asked, what did Daniel call himself?...and we all smiled and looked at each other and said "NO, No!" If you asked Daniel what has nickname was he said "No, no". I guess he must have heard that a lot! :-)
As lunch was over and our conversation came to an end, I silently thanked God for the joyful remembrance and how Daniel was still making people laugh. And then Taylor went to the steps that lead to our upstairs and stood and yelled "UKE, UKE, UKE!!!!" followed by giggles. This is what Daniel frequently did if I called for Drew to come downstairs. Drew and I just smiled at each other. Schleschler was Daniel's name for Taylor. I am so glad he had a best friend. And I am thankful for the gift of spending all this time with her.
We miss you buddy. You still make us laugh. Your joy lives on!