Wednesday, November 23, 2016


Today at lunch we had two guests.  One being Taylor, whom I have mentioned before is spending this year doing school with us.  And the other was her older sister who wanted to hang out here today while she is on school break.  During our lunch conversations, we started reminiscing about the names Daniel had for each of us.  Peyton and Taylor giggled at each.  There is "ba" for Sam, "La La" for Lizzy, "AB-EEEEE" for Abby, "Yeti" for daddy, "Mama" for me....but the BIG eruption of giggles came from the girls when they heard Drew's; "UKE!!!!!".  He always said it emphatically and especially liked to call for him if I had something for Drew to do.  He liked being bossy to those big boys!

We laughed as we talked about it.  And then the girls asked, what did Daniel call himself?...and we all smiled and looked at each other and said "NO, No!"  If you asked Daniel what has nickname was he said "No, no".  I guess he must have heard that a lot! :-)

As lunch was over and our conversation came to an end, I silently thanked God for the joyful remembrance and how Daniel was still making people laugh.   And then Taylor went to the steps that lead to our upstairs and stood and yelled "UKE, UKE, UKE!!!!"  followed by giggles.  This is what Daniel frequently did if I called for Drew to come downstairs.  Drew and I just smiled at each other.  Schleschler was Daniel's name for Taylor.  I am so glad he had a best friend.   And I am thankful for the gift of spending all this time with her.

We miss you buddy.  You still make us laugh.  Your joy lives on!

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Laughing at Lightning

I am up late tonight, snuggled in on our couch with my cozy Daniel blanket.  As I was sitting here, I thought about how much I would love to have him climb up on the couch next to me.  And then the memory of a late/early morning summer night came to mind.   Daniel and I were snuggled up on the couch, as for some reason (maybe the storm) he had awoke and was not ready to go back to sleep.  So we were in the living room, lights out, Disney junior on the was after midnight...and every time the lightning flashed he belly laughed.  Over and over and over and over.

I miss that laugh.  I miss my boy.  

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Our Superman

For Daniel's last Halloween, he chose to be Superman.  In life he was our superman, a super hero.  He faced the adversity handed to him with such grace and an unwavering smile.  His circumstances did not put out his light.  He let it shine.

It is only appropriate that this would be his last costume.  I remember being in Target early last October with Lizzy, Abby and Daniel.  We made our way to the back of the store where the Halloween costumes were.  Daniel walked right up to the Superman costume and put it in the cart.  I had to double check the size, and in doing so I asked him, "Are you sure? Look here's's's a hotdog!"  No, no and NO were his responses.  I learned later (watching him shop on his Make-A-Wish trip in Disney World) that he was a boy who knew what he wanted when he saw it and didn't waste time picking it out!  So superman it was...

Speaking of being a boy who knew what he wanted, as he went from house to house, he only took lollipops.  If the bowl had other candy he just said good-bye and headed to the next house.  Daniel did not like candy, but suckers and lollipops were his favorite.

This superman costume now hangs in my closet.  Probably for as long as I live on this earth.  Daniel was our Superman.  My little Superman.  

 On his grave is a Superman plaque.  I sure miss you Little Buddy.