The title of the song I lifted my hands to heaven and sang the morning Daniel died.
Tonight when I was out running this Crowder song came on shuffle. And I was overcome with emotion. I was overwhelmed with the grace of God for allowing me to join the angel's singing in Daniel's welcome "home". This is why following the "Steeple Outro" at Daniel's Celebration of Life the picture video we shared of Daniel was put to the music of "All This Glory."
But it wasn't until this song came on tonight that I realized, if Daniel could have said anything to me upon entering heaven I am sure it would have been, "Oh mom, all this GLORY!"
Tonight, some 562 days since that morning, I burst into laughter and tears while on my run. Not only did God put that song on my heart that morning to sing to heaven, but 562 days later he revealed to me that if Daniel could have spoken to me that morning it would have sounded something like that song. "Oh mom, all the GLORY" and "It's JESUS!" and mom "Love has won!"
I do not know how God works it altogether. But He does.
How gracious God is, was and will continue to be to this aching mama's heart.
The video below is the one played at Daniel's Celebration of Life...
"All This Glory".
Thank you Jesus.
Love has won.
"Then you kissed my face and told me I was Yours, and I knew I'd found my HOME."-Crowder, 'Steeple Outro'