Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Dear Daniel

Dearest Daniel,

You have been HOME for 171 days now.  I miss you so much.

The past days the kids have been watching lots of videos of you.  I have loved hearing your voice and your laughter fill our kitchen.  I adore watching Drew, Sam, Lizzy, and Abby gathered around the computer laughing, enjoying, remembering you.  You left us with so much.  A number of times I have said "Oh Daniel!" in synch with saying those same words in the video.  This has made us laugh too.  I said that a lot when you were alive.

As I have watched the videos, besides missing you I have been happy for you.  I have been thinking of how you are no longer tongue tied!  You can speak freely, and I bet you have not stopped talking except maybe to sleep!!   Oh how I would love to hear what you have to say.  Even though your speech was affected by all of those terrible PH crisis's, your life said so much.  Your face told us so much, but I know it must have been frustrating to not say the words.  I see from videos how we missed a lot too.  I am sorry for that.

I missed you at Sammy's baseball games this past weekend.  It was hot, so you would have needed lots and lots and lots of ICE!  :)  I saw a sweet little boy wearing a baseball uniform, probably about your age.  I could not help but wish you could have worn one too.  I love how you loved baseball.

The boys baseball friends loved you too.  In fact, this weekend I ran into one of the mommy's of a dear boy from one of Sammy's past baseball teams.   I had not seen her since the day of your funeral.  She told me that after attending your service, her 13 year old had written a paper about you.  She said he had written that until your Celebration of Life, he did not realize how much you had suffered.  The 5000+ beads of courage you earned are such a tangible picture of what you went through in your short 6 years.  She told me that he went on to write how you were always smiling and joyful inspite of all you had gone through.  She said that your life had an impact on him.  That your joy left an impression.

Oh Daniel, to know you was to love you.  You shined so bright.  You didn't ever feel good a day in your life, but you chose JOY.  Thank you for leaving such a wonderful example for us.  I do not feel very good these days.  It helps me in my missing to know that you are whole, healthy, and talking up a storm.

I found this poem that Drew wrote a few years ago...

Smiling Face
Courageous and fun
Building, Running and laughing
Choosing JOY each day

His poem describes you so well.  

We miss your smiling face.  We miss the pitter patter of your bare feet running around our house all day.  We miss your laugh, your voice.  I miss your hugs.  I just miss YOU!  Last night, as Lizzy and I were talking about this we wondered if you were maybe missing us too.  

One day there will be no more missing, Little Buddy.

Love you so much and I could not be more proud of how you shone so bright for JESUS.  Thank you for being an example for me to follow.  Looking forward to the day I will see you again,


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